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发布者: 发布日期:2023年05月05日 16:39 浏览次数: 分类:科研团队


全球变化与进化生态学研究所Mark Van Kleunen教授和李钧敏教授联合领衔,团队成员12人,其中教授2人,副教授2人,主要以生态学为主题,紧跟国际生态学研究前沿,围绕国家生态安全与生态文明建设的重大需求,结合地方经济社会发展需求,积极开展理论基础与应用基础研究。团队注重学科交叉融合,从分子个体到种群到群落,多水平多层次开展生态学相关研究:

  1. 寄生生态学研究:以菟丝子属寄生植物为研究对象,探究寄生植物与寄主植物间的级联效应及其对生态系统的影响机制。

  2. 珍稀濒危植物致濒机制及生态保护与可持续利用:以珍稀濒危植物为研究对象,地上地下生态学研究相结合,从个体生理生态、微生物生态等角度多层次探讨植物的致濒机理。

  3. 植物次生代谢产物及活性的挖掘与利用:以珍稀濒危植物、食药同源植物、入侵植物等为研究对象,开展黄酮、生物碱等产物的成分及活性作用,挖掘其可能的可持续利用价值。

  4. 入侵植物的入侵机制及防控:以加拿大一枝黄花等入侵植物为研究对象,围绕气候等环境因子与生物因子,从个体到种群到群落,探讨其可能的入侵机制,并积极开展防控技术研发,开展入侵植物的开发利用。

  5. 脆弱生态的生态修复:以滨海滩涂等脆弱生态为研究对象,积极开展红树林等替代修复技术研发,为台州美丽海湾提供技术支撑。

    近年来主持国家级项自10余项(含国家重点研发计划课题2项)及省部级项目10余项(含省重点研发计划项目1项),在NaturePNASNature CommunicationsPlant and SoilEcology Soil Biology & BiochemistrySCI期刊上发表论文200余篇。获浙江省科学技术奖三等奖1项、国家商业科学技术奖一等奖1项,环境保护科学技术奖二等奖1项(环保部)、中国生态学学会第三届青年科技奖1项、浙江省科技兴林奖三等奖1项、台州市自然科学学术奖二等奖2项。







E-mail: lijm@tzc.edu.cn; lijmtzc@126.com






1998.7至今 台州学院生命科学学院助教、讲师、副教授、教授;

2006.5-2013.12 台州学院生命科学学院副院长、院长;

2008.7-2013.4  中国科学院植物研究所植物生态学博士后;

2010.7-2010.10 美国匹兹堡大学生物学系植物进化生态学方向访问学者;

2011.4-2011.11 美国密歇根州立大学植物入侵生态学方向访问学者;

2011.11-2012.4 美国杜克大学分子进化遗传学方向访问学者;

2013.7-至今 浙江省植物进化生态学与保护重点实验室主任;


2014至今 中国生态学学会入侵生态学专业委员会副主任

2022-至今 中国生态学会种群生态学专业委员会副主任;

20122022 浙江省植物学会副理事长;

2008至今 中国生态学会科普专业委员会委员;

2017至今 台州市博士后联谊会副会长;







1. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 32271590, 寄生植物通过级联效应间接影响菌丝网络介导的养分分配机制研究, 2023-01-01 2026-12-31, 54万元, 在研, 主持。

2. 磐安县中药产业揭榜挂帅项目磐安食药同源物质高值化利用关键技术及产业化2021.01-2023.12, 120万元,在研,主持。

3. 磐安中药产业-东贝母病毒分子检测及脱毒复壮研究。2021.01-2023.12, 30万元,在研,主持。

4. 浙江省重点研发计划项目特色新资源食品青钱柳特殊功能因子研究及开发应用2018C020212018.1-2022.12650万元,申请结题,主持。

5. 国家重点研发计划课题主要入侵生物扩散阻截与应急处置技术2016YFC12011022016.7-2018.6294.13万元,结题,主持。

6. 中国与保加利亚科技合作委员会第15届例会项目盐胁迫下中国及保加利亚本地菟丝子属茎寄生植物与模式寄主植物之间的相互关系:生态及农业应用价值15-22017.12018.124.3822万元,结题,主持。

7. 国家自然科学基金多倍性促进外来植物成功入侵与快速进化的机制No. 312704612013-201679万元,结题,主持。

8. 中美生物多样性合作项目整合理解多倍性如何导致生物多样性 31261120580300万元,结题,共同主持。

9. 浙江省钱江人才计划项目(D)“多倍性促进外来植物成功入侵与快速进化的机制QJD130202110万元,结题,共同主持。

10. 国家自然科学基金植物寄生对群落可入侵性的影响及机制 No.308001332009-201121万元,结题,共同主持。

10. 浙江省自然科学基金本地寄生植物对外来入侵植物入侵性的影响及机制No. Y51102272010-201210万元,结题,共同主持。

11. 浙江省自然科学基金濒危植物长叶榧保护遗传学研究” (主持;2006-2008No. Y50533110万元)

12. 浙江省科技厅计划项目医药化工废水降解细菌质粒分子育种研究” (主持;2007-2010; No. 2007C2305220万元)



  1. Cai CN, Zhaog YY, Yuan YG, Li JM*. Parasitism shifts the effects of native soil microbes on the growth of the invasive plant Alternanthera philoxeroides, Life, 2023, 13, 150.

  2. Du ZK, Ren ZC, Yu BB, Zhu JX, Li JM*. Impacts of climate change on the global distribution of Cyclocarya paliurus. Biologia. 2023, 78: 41-53.

  3. Oduor AMO, Yang BF, Li JM*. Alien ornamental plant species cultivated in Taizhou, southeastern China, may experience greater range expansions than native species under future climate. Global Eoclogy and Conservation, 2023, 41, e02371.

  4. Yuan YG, Lin X, Chen GL, van Kleunen M, Li JM*. Parasitic plants indirectly regulate decomposition of soil organic matter. Functional Ecology, 2023, 37, 302–314.

  5. Mo JG, Tong YP, Ma JX, Wang KP, Feng YF, Wang LZ, Jiang H, Jin C*, Li JM*. The mechanism of flavonoids from Cyclocarya paliurus on inhibiting liver cancer based on in vitro experiments and network pharmacology. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2023, 14, 1049953.

  6. Li YL, Sun ZS, Lu JY, Jin ZX*, Li JM*. Integrated transcriptomics and metabolomics analysis provide insight into anthocyanin biosynthesis for sepal color formation in Heptacodium miconioides. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023, 14, 1044581.

  7. Yuan YG, Li JM*. Dodder parasitism limited the effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on litter decomposition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2022, 174, 108837.

  8. Tao YT, Chen LX, Jin J, Du ZK, Li JM*. Genome-wide identification and analysis of bZIP gene familiy reveal their roles during development and drought stress in Wheel Wingnut (Cyclocarya paliurus). BMC Genomics, 2022, 23, 743.

  9. Yuan YG, Jin HF, Li JM*, Feng YL. Effects of latitude and soil microbes on the resistance of invasive Solidago canadensis to its co-evolved insect herbivore Corythucha marmorata. Journal of Plant Ecology 2022, 15(3):549-560.

  10. Yuan YG, Li JM*. Dodder parasitism limited the effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on litter decomposition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 2022, 174:108837.

  11. Chen LX, Pan HK, Tao YT, Yang D, Deng HM, Xu KJ, Chen WB, Li JM*: Plant Virome Analysis by the Deep Sequencing of Small RNAs of Fritillaria thunbergii var. chekiangensis and the Rapid Identification of Viruses. Plant Pathology Journal, 2022, 38(5):533-540.

  12. Zagorchev L, Du ZK, Shi YB, Teofanova D, Li JM*. Cuscuta australis parasitism-induced changes in the proteome and photosynthetic parameters of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plants 2022, 11(21), 2904.

  13. Yuan YG, Li JM*. Effects of parasitism on the competitive ability of invasive and native species. Life, 2022, 12, 1800.

  14. Oduor AMO, Adomako MO, Yuan Y, Li JM*. Older populations of the invader Solidago canadensis exhibit stronger positive plant-soil feedbacks and competitive ability in China. American Journal of Botany, 2022, 109(8): 1230-1241.

  15. Cai CN, Zhang X, Zha J, Li J, Li JM*. Predicting climate change impacts on the rare and endangered Horsfieldia tetratepala in China. Forests, 2022. 13(7): 1051.

  16. Du ZK, Lin WD, Yu BB, Zhu JX, Li JM*. Integrated Metabolomic and transcriptomic analysis of the flavonoid accumulation in the leaves of Cyclocarya paliurus at different altitudes. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021. 12: 794137.

  17. Du ZK, Lin WD, Zhu JX, Li JM*. Amino acids profiling and transcriptomic data integration demonstrates the dynamic regulation of amino acids synthesis in the leaves of Cyclocarya paliurus. PeerJ, 2022, 10, e13689.

  18. Du ZK, You S, Zhao X, Xiong L, Li JM*. Genome-wide identification of WRKY genes and their responses to chilling stress in Kandelia obovata. Frontiers in Genetics, 2022, 13.

  19. Pan HK, Li Y, Chen LX, Li JM*. Molecular processes of dodder haustorium formation on host plant under low red/far red (R/FR) irradiation. Internatinal Journal of Molecular Science, 2022, 23(14).

  20. Shen JC, Shao WL, Li JM*, Lu HF*. Integrated metabolomic and transcriptomic analysis reveals factors underlying differences in fruit quality between Fragaria nilgerrensis and Fragaria pentaphylla. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2022, 102, 3287-3296.

  21. Shen JC, Liu J, Yuan YG, Chen LX, Ma JX, Li X, Li JM*. The mechanism of abscisic acid regulation of wild Fragaria species in response to cold stress. BMC Genomics, 2022. 23, 670.

  22. Tong YP, Li X, Zhu ZP, Wang T, Zhou Q, Li N, Xie ZD, Jiang CX, Li JM*, Wang JX*. Extraction and identification of antioxidant ingredients from Cyclocarya paliurus (Batal.) Iljingsk using UHPLC-Q-Orbitrap-MS/MS-based molecular networking. Journal of Chemistry, 2022, ID, 8260379.

  23. Li H, Tang Y, Liang KY, Zang Y, Osman EEA, Jin ZX, Li J, Xiong J*, Li JM*, Hu JF*. Phytochemical and biological studies on rare and endangered plants endemic to China. Part XXII. Structurally diverse diterpenoids from the leaves and twigs of the endangered conifer Torreya Jackii and their bioactivities. Phytochemistry, 2022, 198, 113161

  24. Liu J, Li, JM*, Fu CX*. Comparative physiology and transcriptome analysis reveals the regulatory mechanism of genome duplication enhancing cold resistance in Fragaria nilgerrensis. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2021, 188, 104509.

  25. Lin WD, Chen HW, Wang JM, Li JM*. Transcriptome analysis associated with polysaccharide synthesis and their antioxidant activity in Cyclocarya paliurus leaves of different developmental stages. PeerJ, 2021, 9(8): e11615.

  26. Sheng XL, Chen HW, Wang JM, Zheng YL, Li YL, Jin ZC, Li JM*. Joint Transcriptomic and Metabolic Analysis of Flavonoids in Cyclocarya paliurus Leaves. ACS Omega, 2021, 6, 9028-9038.

  27. Zhou L, Lu QW, Yang Bf, Zagorchev L, Li JM*. Integrated small RNA, mRNA, and degradome sequencing reveals the important role of miRNAs in the interactions between parasitic plant Cuscuta australis and its host Trifolium repens. Scientia Horticulturae, 2021, 289, 110458.

  28. Yuan YG, van Kleunen M, Li JM*. A parasite indirectly affects nutrient distribution by common mycorrhizal networks between host and neighboring plants. Ecology, 2021, e03339.

  29. Jin HF, Yuan YG, Li JM*. Host functional traits affect plant responses to pathogen stress: A meta-analysis. Acta Oecologica. 2021, 110, 103703.

  30. Yuan YG, Guo S, Yan M& Li JM*. Multi-generational effects of simulated herbivory and habitat types on the invasive weed Alternanthera philoxeroides: implications for biological control. Biological Invasions, 2021, 23, 2109-2123.

  31. Li CX, Cai CN, Tao YT, Sun ZS, Jiang M, Chen LX, Li JM*. Variation and Evolution of the Whole Chloroplast Genomes of Fragaria spp. (Rosaceae). Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12: 754209.

  32. Yang BF, Li JM*. Phytotoxicity of root exudates of invasive solidago canadensis on co-occurring native and invasive plant species. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 2021, 54(3).

  33. Duan WK, Shao WL, Lin WD, Yuan L, Lu QW, Chen LX, Zagorchev L, Li JM*. Integrated metabolomics and transcriptomics reveal the differences in fruit quality of the red and white Fragaria pentaphllya morphs. Food Bioscience, 2021, 40, 100896.

  34. Ji M, Ze SZ, Tang SC, Hu LR, Li JM*. Independent origins of populations from Dehong State, Yunnan Province, and the multiple introductions and post-introduction admixture sources of mile-a-minute (Mikania micrantha) in China. Weed Science, 22021, 69, 439-445.

  35. Zhang ZC, Zhang YT, Li JM*, Fu CX*, Zhang X*. The neuroprotective effect of tea polyphenols on the regulation of intestinal flora. Molecules, 2021, 26, 3692.



1. 李钧敏,董鸣,金则新等. 植物寄生生态学研究以菟丝子属研究为例. 科学出版社. 2022.



1. 李钧敏, 金则新, 陈露茜. 一种利用七子花种子胚的繁育方法. 2023.

2. 祝子坪, 李娜,李钧敏. 一种抗握拳化功能速溶茶粉的制备方法. 2022. 专利号:ZL 2019 1 0003310.1

3. 杜照奎, 杨党, 李钧敏. 一种半红树植物黄槿的组织培养方法. 2022, 专利号:ZL 2021 1 1096538.3

4. 祝子坪, 李钧敏, 李娜. 一种抑制α-葡萄糖苷酶的青钱柳多糖制备方法. 2022, 专利号:ZL 2020 1 1202323.0

5. 祝子坪, 李钧敏, 李娜. 一种青钱柳多糖的提取及脱色方法. 2021, 专利号:ZL 2019 1 0515801.4



1. 李钧敏,蒋胜韬,金则新,等. 浙江医药化工废水高效净化关键技术创新与集成应用.浙江省科技进步三等奖. 2021.06

通讯地址: 浙江省台州市椒江区市府大道1139号台州学院

手机+86 13906769981

E-mail: lijm@tzc.edu.cn; lijmtzc@126.com

Mark van Kleunen教授多年来从事植物入侵成因及后果的相关研究,作为项目负责人承担了大量的科研项目,在入侵生态学领域具有国际领先地位,在《Nature》、《PNAS》、《Ecology Letters》、《Ecology》等国际顶级期刊上发表100余篇文章,高被引文章4篇,单篇文章引用高达514次,其原创性的研究成果深入阐明入侵植物的全球扩散机制并有利于成功实施入侵防治,具有重要的社会效益、生态效益及潜在的经济效益。 中国是生物入侵的重灾区,尤其是中国东部沿海,经济发展伴随着生物安全性的急剧下降,因此急需生物安全领域的专家及技术。


  1. van Kleunen M, Xu X, Yang Q, Maurel N, Zhang Z, Dawson W, Essl F, Kreft H, Pergl J, Pyšek P, Weigelt P, Moser D, Lenzner B & Fristoe TS (2020) Economic use of plants is key to their naturalization success. Nature Communications 11:3201. (DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-16982-3)(1区,top)

  2. Yuan YG, van Kleunen M & Li JM * (2021) A parasite indirectly affects nutrient distribution by common mycorrhizal networks between host and neighboring plants. Ecology, e03339. (DOI: 10.1002/ecy.3339) 1区,top

  3. Pouteau R, Brunel C, Dawson W, Essl F, Kreft H, Lenzner B, Meyer C, Pergl J, Pyšek P, Seebens H, Weigelt P, Winter M & van Kleunen M (2021) Environmental and socioeconomic correlates of extinction risk in endemic species. Diversity and Distributions early view. (DOI: 10.1111/ddi.13438)(1区,top)

  4. Pouteau R, Biurrun I, Brunel C, Chytrý M, Dawson W, Essl R, Fristoe TS, Haveman R, Hobohm C, Jansen F, Kreft H, Lenoir J, Lenzner B, Meyer C, moeslund JE, Pergl J, Pyšek P, Svenning J-C, Thuiller W, Weigelt P, Wohlgemuth T, Yang Q & van Kleunen M (2021) Potential alien ranges of European plants will shrink in the future, but less so for already naturalized than for not yet naturalized species. Diversity and Distributions 27,11:2063-2076. (DOI: 10.1111/ddi.13378)(1区,top)

  5. Fristoe TS, Chytry M, Dawson W, Essl F, Heleno R, Kreft H, Maurel N, Pergl J, Pyšek P, Seebens H, Weigelt P, Vargas P, Yang Q, Attorre F, Bergmeier E, Bernhardt-Römermann M, Biurrun I, Boch S, Bonari G, Botta-Dukát Z, Bruun HH, Byun C, Carni A, Carranza ML, Catford JA, Cerabolini BEL, Chacón-Madrigal E, Ciccarelli D, Cušterevska R, de Ronde I, Dengler J, Golub V, Haveman R, Hough-Snee N, Jandt U, Jansen F, Kuzemko A, Küzmic F, Lenoir J, Macanovic A, Marcenò C, Martin AR, Michaletz ST, Mori AS, Niinemets Ü, Peterka T, Pielech R, Rašomavicius V, Rüsina S, Dias AS, Sibíková M, Silc U, Stanisci A, Jansen S, Svenning JC, Swacha G, van der Plas F, Vassilev K & van Kleunen M (2021) Dimensions of invasiveness: links between local abundance, geographic range size, and habitat breadth in Europe's alien and native floras. PNAS 118 (22): e2021173118. (DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2021173118).

高端论文:Mark van Kleunen教授在国际顶级学术期刊《Nature Communications》在线发表了有关全球经济植物在原生地以外其它地区的归化情况的研究论文“Economic use of plants is key to their naturalization success”。Mark van Kleunen教授为论文的第一作者和通讯作者,台州学院为论文的第一署名单位。《Nature Communications》是国际生物学领域最有影响力的权威学术期刊之一,最新影响因子为12.118

高被引论文:Mark van Kleunen教授发表台州学院为第一署名单位的高被引论文2篇。单篇文章引用高达514次,其原创性的研究成果深入阐明入侵植物的全球扩散机制并有利于成功实施入侵防治,具有重要的社会效益、生态效益及潜在的经济效益。论文如下:

1.van Kleunen M, Essl F, Perg J, Brundu G, Carboni M, Dullinger S, Early R, González-Moreno P, Groom QJ, Hulme PE, Kueffer C, Kühn I, Máguas C, Maurel N, Novoa A, Parepa M, Pyšek P, Seebens H, Tanner R, Touza J, Verbrugge L, Weber E, Dawson W, Kreft H, Weigelt P, Winter M, Klonner G, Talluto MV & Dehnen-Schmutz K (2018) The changing role of ornamental horticulture in alien plant invasions. Biological Reviews 93:1421-1437.(2). (2022. 01高被引)

2.van Kleunen M et al (2019) The global naturalized alien flora (GlOLNAF) database. Ecology 100(1): e02542. (2022. 01高被引)






Email: yonggeyuan@126.com















1Yuan, Yongge, van Kleunen, Mark, Li, Junmin*. A parasite indirectly affects nutrient distribution by common mycorrhizal networks between host and neighboring plants. Ecology, 2021. 102(5): e03339.

2Yuan, Yongge; Li, Junmin*; Dodder parasitism limited the effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on litter decomposition. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2022, 174: 108837

3Yuan, Yongge; Lin, Xinru; Chen, Gelv; van Kleunen, Mark; Li, Junmin*. Parasitic plants indirectly regulate decomposition of soil organic matter. Functional Ecology, 2023, 37, 302–314.

4Yuan, Yongge, Guo, Sumin, Yan, Ming, Li, Junmin*. Multi-generational effects of simulated herbivory and habitat types on the invasive weed Alternanthera philoxeroides: implications for biological control. Biological Invasions. 2021. 23(7): 2109-2123.

5Yuan, Yongge, Brunel, Caroline, van Kleunen, Mark, Li, Junmin*, Jin, Zexin*. Salinity-induced changes in the rhizosphere microbiome improve salt tolerance of Hibiscus hamabo, Plant and Soil. 2019. 443(1-2): 525-537

姓名:林汉扬     性别:男




2011.9-2015.7 云南大学生态学专业,获理学学士学位

2015.9-2020.6 浙江大学植物学专业,获理学博士学位

2018.11-2019.12 美国University of FloridaSoltis Lab),联合培养博士(国家留学基金委资助)


2020.7-2022.6 浙江大学,生态学博士后





主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,以第一作者在Journal of EcologyMolecular Phylogenetics and EvolutionJournal of Systematics and EvolutionSCI期刊发表文章5篇,以共同作者在Nature CommunicationsThe ISME JournalSoil Biology and BiochemistrySCI期刊发表文章8篇。


  1. Lin, H. Y., Yang, Y., Li, W. H., Luo, Y. X., Bai, X. H., Ohi‐Toma, T., Kim, C., Kim, J. H., & Zhao, Y. P. (2023).  Species boundaries and conservation implications of Cinnamomum japonicum, an endangered plant in China. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. https://doi/10.1111/jse.12950

  2. Lin, H. Y., Sun, M., Hao, Y. J., Li, D., Gitzendanner, M. A., Fu, C. X., Soltis, D. E., Soltis, P. S., & Zhao, Y. P. (2023). Phylogenetic diversity of eastern Asia–eastern North America disjunct plants is mainly associated with divergence time. Plant Diversity, 45(1), 27–35.

  3. Lin, H. Y., Li, W. H., Lin, C. F., Wu, H. R., & Zhao, Y. P. (2022). International Biological Flora: Ginkgo biloba. Journal of Ecology, 110(4), 951–982.

  4. Lin, H. Y., Gu, K. J., Li, W. H., & Zhao, Y. P. (2022). Integrating coalescent-based species delimitation with ecological niche modeling delimited two species within the Stewartia sinensis complex (Theaceae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 60(5), 1037–1048.

  5. Lin, H. Y., Hao, Y. J., Li, J. H., Fu, C. X., Soltis, P. S., Soltis, D. E., & Zhao, Y. P. (2019). Phylogenomic conflict resulting from ancient introgression following species diversification in Stewartia s.l. (Theaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 135, 1–11.



姓名:蔡超男 性别:女




电话:17705602344 Emailchaonancai@tzc.edu.cn


(1) 2016-09 2021-01, 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园, 植物学, 博士

(2) 2013-09 2016-06, 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园, 生物工程, 硕士

(3) 2009-09 2013-06, 淮北师范大学, 生物科学, 学士


2021.01-至今 台州学院生命科学学院 讲师




(1) Chaonan Cai, Yingying Zhao, Yongge Yuan, and Junmin Li. Parasitism shifts the effects of native soil microbes on the growth of the invasive plant Alternanthera philoxeroides. Life, 2023, 13(1): 150.

(2) Chaonan Cai, Jianhua Xiao, Jizhong Wan, Zichun Ren, Mark van Kleunen, Junmin Li. Implications of climate change for environmental niche overlap between five Cuscuta pest species and their two main Leguminosae host crop species. Weed Science, 2022, 7(5): 543-552.

(3) Chaonan Cai, Xiaoyan Zhang, Jianjun Zha, Jie Li, and Junmin Li. Predicting climate change impacts on the rare and endangered Horsfieldia tetratepala in China. Forests, 2022, 13(7): 1051.

(4) Hong-Hu Meng, Can-Yu Zhang, Yi-Gang Song, Xiang-Qin Yu, Guan-Long Cao, Lang Li, Chao-Nan Cai, Jian-Hua Xiao, Shi-Shun Zhou, Yun-Hong Tan, Jie Li. Opening a door to the spatiotemporal history of plants from the tropical Indochina Peninsula to subtropical China. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2022, 171: 107458,

(5) Qiaoming Li, Chaonan Cai, Wumei Xu, Min Cao, Liqing Sha; Luxiang Lin, Tianhu He. Adaptive genetic diversity of dominant species contributes to species co-existence and community assembly. Plant Diversity, 2022, 44(3): 271-278.

(6) Chaonan Cai, Hui Ma, Xiuqin Ci, John G. Conran,, Jie Li. Comparative phylogenetic analyses of Chinese Horsfieldia (Myristicaceae) using complete chloroplast genome sequences. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 2021, 59(3): 504-514.

(7) Chaonan Cai, Jianhua Xiao, Xiuqin Ci, John G. Conran, Jie Li. Genetic diversity of Horsfieldia tetratepala (Myristicaceae), an endangered Plant Species with Extremely Small Populations to China: implications for its conservation. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 2021, 307(4): 50.

(8) Chenxin Li, Chaonan Cai, Yutian Tao, Zhongshuai Sun,, Ming Jiang, Luxi Chen, Junmin Li. Variation and evolution of the whole chloroplast genomes of Fragaria spp. (Rosaceae). Frontiers in plant science, 2021, 12: 754209.

(9) Shuli Wang, Chaonan Cai, Hui Ma, Jie Li. Complete chloroplast genome sequence of Mirabilis himalaica (Nyctaginaceae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 2019, 4(2): 4021–4022.





Email: sun2143998@163.com


2009-09 2016-06, 浙江大学, 植物学, 博士

2006-09 2009-07, 山东师范大学, 植物学, 硕士

2002-09 2006-07, 临沂师范学院, 生物技术, 学士



2016-07 2018-12, 浙江大学,博士后



主要从事珍稀濒危植物相关的研究工作,19年至今共主持横向课题4项,发表 SCI论文15篇。


(1) Sun Zhong-Shuai; Liu Xin-Hong ; Complete chloroplast genome of Prunus matuurai (Rosaceae), a wild flowering cherry endemic to Taiwan Island, Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources, 2019, 4(1): 957-958

(2) Sun Zhong-Shuai; Zhao Zun-Tian ; A new species of Pertusaria (Pertusariaceae, Ascomycota) from Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of China, Phytotaxa, 2018, 333(1): 143-146

(3) Sun Zhong-Shuai; Zhou Wen-Bin; Jin Xin-Jie; Ohi-Toma Tetsuo; Li Pan; Fu Cheng-Xin ; A tale of two islands: parallel evolution of dwarfism in Smilax biflora (Smilacaceae), Phytotaxa, 2016, 245(2): 089-106

袁玲,1985年生,植物营养学博士,讲师,近六年来从事入侵生态学相关研究工作,主要研究兴趣为生物及非生物因子对本土和入侵植物化感作用的影响和分子机制。曾主持省部级项目1项,市厅级项目2项,参与多项国家级项目(国家自然科学基金和科技部攻关项目)和横向课题。以第一作者发表SCI论文8篇,一级学报1篇,成果分别发表在《Annals of botany》、《Biological Invasions》、《Field crops research》、《Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture》、《European Journal of Agronomy》、《Journal of Plant Nutrition》及《作物学报》上。






Email: yuebanwan7@163.com 


2015-09 2019-06, 石河子大学, 果树学, 博士

2011-09 2014-12, 西北农林科技大学, 野生动植物保护与利用, 硕士

2007-09 2011-07, 西北农林科技大学, 林学, 学士





长期从事寄生植物生态学研究,从生理、转录、代谢等多角度探索寄主植物与寄生植物菟丝子的互作关系,以第一作者在《Scientia Horticulturae》等SCI期刊发表学术论文6篇。主要承担本科生《恢复生态学》、《生态与环境》的教学任务。


国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 32271590, 寄生植物通过级联效应间接影响菌丝网络介导的养分分配机制研究, 2023-01-01 2026-12-31, 54万元, 在研, 参与。

浙江省自然科学基金委员会, 探索项目, LY21C030004, 寄生植物对丛枝菌根菌丝网络(CMNs)养分分配的调控及机制研究, 2021-01 2023-12, 10万元, 在研, 参与。


(1) Li Zhou, Alexander Zawaira, Qiuwei Lu, Beifen Yang and Junmin Li*. Transcriptome analysis reveals defense-related genes and pathways during dodder (Cuscuta australis) parasitism on white clover (Trifolium repens). Frontiers in Genetics. 2023, 14:1106936.

(2) Li Zhou; Qiuwei Lu; Beifen Yang; Lyuben Zagorchev; Junmin Li; Integrated small RNA, mRNA, and degradome sequencing reveals the important role of miRNAs in the interactions between parasitic plant Cuscuta australis and its host Trifolium repens, Scientia Horticulturae, 2021, 289(110458)

(3) Li Zhou; Shaowen Quan; Li Ma; Hang Xu; Jieping Yang; Jianxin Niu; Molecular characteriza tion of SBP-box gene family during floral induction in walnut (Juglans regia L.), Tree Genetics & Genomes, 2020, 16: 12

(4) Li Zhou; Shaowen Quan; Hang Xu; Li Ma; Jianxin Niu; Identification and expression of miRNAs related to female flower induction in walnut (Juglans regia L.), Molecules, 2018, 23(5): 1202

(5) Li Zhou; Chenjing Li; Jianxin Niu; Maosong Pei; Fujun Cao; Shaowen Quan; Identification of miRNAs involved in calyx persistence in Korla fragrant pear (Pyrus sinkiangensis Yu) by high-throughput sequencing, Scientia Horticulturae, 2018, 240: 344-353

(6) Li Zhou; Jianxin Niu; Shaowen Quan; Identification of appropriate reference genes for RT-qPCR analysis in Juglans regia L., Plos One, 2018, 13(12): e0209424







Email: lvpeng0903@163.com 


2014-09 2022-01, 中国科学院微生物研究所, 微生物学, 博士

2009-09 2013-06, 吉林农业大学, 应用生物科学, 学士


2022-04 2023-08 中国科学院庐山植物园 助理研究员







(1) Lü, P. P., Liu, Y., Yu, X. X., Shi, C. L., & Liu, X. K. The right microbe-associated molecular patterns for effective recognition by plants. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022, 13:1019069.

(2) Lü, P. P., Zheng, Y., Chen, L., Ji, N. N., Yao, H., Maitra, P., Hu, H. W., Li, X. C., & Guo, L. D. Irrigation and fertilization effects on AM fungi depend on growing season in a dryland maize agroecosystem. Pedobiologia, 2020, 83:150687.







版权所有 : 台州学院高等研究院